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Cobra Logging

Cobra Logging provides developers with a rapid and scalable logging solution suitable for all types of projects.

Unity's default debug class may meet fundamental needs, but more complex projects often call for a deeper, more nuanced logging system. Arm yourself with a logging solution built to support you throughout your entire product cycle, from the initial stages of development to the launch of your product.


Multi-Tiered Logging

Capture messages across various levels: Debug, Info, Warning, Assert, Error, and Fatal.

Interactive logs

Click on any log within Unity to be taken directly to its origin in your favorite code editor. Every log displays crucial data: timestamp, log type, originating file, and exact line.

Sample log display: 10:00:30 [INFO] MyScript[123]: This is a test log message.

Generated from MyScript.cs on line 123 at 10:00:30, this log isn't just informative - it's interactive. One click within the Unity editor, and you're directly navigated to that exact line of code in your favorite code editor.

Moreover, you're not restricted to this format. Every component of this log display can be molded to match your requirements. To further enhance readability, each log type is designated a unique color - yet another feature you can personalize to your liking.

Deep Customization

Easily modify tags, colors, and even overhaul logs via code or inspector. Choose to halt execution for Asserts and Errors. Fatal logs always halt execution, but an optional 'quit' parameter offers an added layer of security.

Preserve Object States

Save states within logs, capturing the full context of each event. Record any C# object, either through direct JSON serialization or through custom serialization methods. Take real-time snapshots of class instances, storing variable states for in-depth future analysis.

Save Logs To Files

This feature allows for the automatic saving of log entries to designated files, ensuring a permanent record of system events and activities for review and analysis.

Thread Safety

Experience unhindered multi-threading without the dread of file access errors.

Flexible Filtering

Pre-configured filters: Namespace, Directory, Message, and Tag. Configure them effortlessly either via the custom inspector or directly through C#. Choose the method that best aligns with your preferences.

You also have full liberty to craft your own filters by simply inheriting and implementing the filter class.

Additional customization options:

  • Namespace: Target specific namespaces.
  • Directory: Specify directories of origin.

Intuitive Inspector Interface

User-centric design ensuring effortless navigation and operation. Store and switch between multiple log settings, ideal for collaborative projects.

Test Suite Include

Modify this asset with confidence. Every purchase comes with an inclusive test suite, ensuring any changes you make are robust and error-free.

Full Source Code Access

Dive into the inner workings and make it uniquely yours.