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The ByteCobra.Reflection.ConstructorExtensions class provides extension methods for constructing objects using their constructors. These methods allow you to create instances of types dynamically, providing a more flexible and convenient way to create objects with specific constructor parameters.

The ByteCobra.Reflection.ConstructorExtensions class is a powerful tool for constructing objects of different types with different constructor parameter sets. It allows you to create instances of objects dynamically, making your code more adaptable and facilitating dependency injection scenarios.

When using the Construct method, it is essential to ensure that the provided type and constructor parameters match the expected constructor signature. Incorrect parameter types or missing constructors will result in exceptions being thrown during object creation.

Using constructor-based object creation can be more concise and flexible compared to traditional new keyword instantiation. It is particularly useful when working with unknown types or when dealing with complex object initialization scenarios.

However, using reflection-based object construction should be used judiciously due to its potential performance implications. Reflection can have a higher overhead than direct instantiation using the new keyword, especially when dealing with a large number of objects or performance-critical sections of code.

Overall, the ConstructorExtensions class offers a valuable set of tools for dynamically creating objects and enriching your code with more dynamic and adaptable object instantiation capabilities.



Constructs an object of the specified type using the matching constructor with the provided parameters.

The Construct method enables you to create an object of the specified type, invoking the constructor that matches the provided parameters. It takes the type to construct and an array of parameters that will be passed to the constructor for object initialization.

Before invoking the constructor, the method checks whether the provided type can be assigned to the type specified by the generic parameter T. If not, it throws an ArgumentException, indicating that the specified type is not compatible with the target type.

The method then searches for a constructor in the target type that matches the provided parameter types. If a suitable constructor is found, it is invoked with the given parameters, and the newly constructed object is returned.


  • type: The type of the object to construct.
  • parameters: The parameters to pass to the constructor.

Returns: The constructed object of the specified type.


  • ArgumentException: Thrown when the provided type cannot be assigned to the type specified by the generic parameter T.
  • Exception: Thrown when no constructor with the provided parameter types is found for the specified type.


public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

    public Person(string name, int age)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;

// Usage
Type personType = typeof(Person);
Person person = personType.Construct<Person>("John Doe", 30);

In this example, the Construct method is used to create a Person object dynamically. It searches for the constructor that matches the provided parameter types (string and int) and invokes it with the specified values. The resulting person object will have the Name and Age properties initialized with the values "John Doe" and 30, respectively.