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Authentication is an optional feature, if you don't need it you can skip this chapter. Authentication is handled by extending predefined authenticator behaviors on both the client and server sides. This approach ensures that customization and integration of authentication mechanisms, such as username/password checks, are straightforward and maintainable.

To authenticate, you need to create a new class that inherits from Authenticator. You can take a look at the BasicClientAuthenticatorBehaviour class and the BasicServerAuthenticatorBehaviour classes to see how you can implement simple username/password authentication. You can subclass these classes and implement the methods to get the username and password on the client side, and the method to verify the credentials from the client on the server-side.

Implementing Custom Authentication

To implement custom username/password authentication, follow these steps:

Create Client-Side Authentication:

  • Start by creating a new class that inherits from BasicClientAuthenticatorBehaviour.
  • Implement the abstract methods GetUsername() and GetPassword(). These methods should return the username and password entered by the user, respectively.


using ByteCobra.Network.Client.Authenticators;
using ByteCobra.Network.Unity;

public class MyClientAuthenticator : BasicClientAuthenticatorBehaviour
    protected override string GetUsername()
        return "yourUsername"; // Replace with dynamic user input as required

    protected override string GetPassword()
        return "yourPassword"; // Replace with dynamic user input as required

Create Server-Side Authentication:

  • Create a new class that inherits from BasicServerAuthenticatorBehaviour.
  • Implement the AuthenticateAsync method. This method should take a username, a password, and a connection object, returning a Task that indicates whether the authentication was successful.


using ByteCobra.Network.Server.Authenticators;
using ByteCobra.Network.Server;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class MyServerAuthenticator : BasicServerAuthenticatorBehaviour
    public override async Task<bool> AuthenticateAsync(string username, string password, Connection connection)
        // Replace with your authentication logic
        return await Task.FromResult(username == "expectedUsername" && password == "expectedPassword");


To use the authenticator behaviours simply assign them in the NetworkManagerBehaviour in your Unity scene.