Cobra Notifications
Cobra Notifications is a comprehensive notification solution created for developers who want to be able to send messages to multiple platforms easily. Send messages to Discord, Teams, Slack & more - directly from Unity.
Getting started with Cobra Notifications is easy, just import the package into your project and add the using statement.
using ByteCobra.Notifications;
- Discord: Directly engage with your community or team using Discord hooks.
- Slack: Send messages to Slack channels.
- Microsoft Teams: For those on Microsoft's ecosystem, Teams notifications ensure no one on your Team misses out.
- Telegram: Send messages to Telegram.
- Emails: Send detailed HTML emails or concise plain text notifications. Features include SSL, file attachments, and more.
- SMS: Send SMS messages with Twilio's reliable infrastructure.
- WhatsApp: Send WhatsApp messages (via Twilio).
Example Use Cases
Player Engagement
Scenario: You've developed a Unity-based multiplayer game. A new event or challenge is launching soon, and you want to ensure maximum player participation.
Solution: Integrate Cobra Notifications into your game. As the event approaches, send out visually-rich HTML emails detailing the event's highlights. Additionally, notify your game's Discord community with a webhook and push WhatsApp or SMS alerts about it.
Automatic Bug /Crash Reports
Scenario: Your Unity game has an internal monitoring system that checks for bugs, crashes, or any irregularities that players might report.
Solution: With Cobra Notifications, whenever a significant issue arises, instant notifications are dispatched. Your lead developer gets an SMS notification, the QA team receives detailed error reports via email, and a Slack message alerts the entire dev team.